Електронна адреса не розголошується. Вона використовуватиметься лише якщо потрібно зв’язатися з вами щодо вашого облікового запису або для отримання підключених сповіщень.
Additional map settings provided by Leaflet
The initial resolution at which to display the map, where zoom 0 corresponds to a map of the Earth fully zoomed out, and higher zoom levels zoom in at a higher resolution.
Minimum zoom level of the map. If not specified and at least one GridLayer or TileLayer is in the map, the lowest of their minZoom options will be used instead. 0 to skip.
Maximum zoom level of the map. If not specified and at least one GridLayer or TileLayer is in the map, the highest of their maxZoom options will be used instead. 0 to skip.
Max Bounds
When this option is set, the map restricts the view to the given geographical bounds, bouncing the user back if the user tries to pan outside the view. To set the restriction dynamically, use setMaxBounds method.
Північний схід
South West
The Coordinate Reference System to use. Don't change this if you're not sure what it means. Do not add 'L.CRS.' in front.
Forces the map's zoom level to always be a multiple of this, particularly right after a fitBounds() or a pinch-zoom. By default, the zoom level snaps to the nearest integer; lower values (e.g. 0.5 or 0.1) allow for greater granularity. A value of 0 means the zoom level will not be snapped after fitBounds or a pinch-zoom.
Controls how much the map's zoom level will change after a zoomIn(), zoomOut(), pressing + or - on the keyboard, or using the zoom controls. Values smaller than 1 (e.g. 0.5) allow for greater granularity.
Won't animate zoom if the zoom difference exceeds this value.
The rate with which the inertial movement slows down, in pixels/second².
The curvature factor of panning animation easing (third parameter of the Cubic Bezier curve). 1.0 means linear animation, the less the more bowed the curve.
If maxBounds is set, this option will control how solid the bounds are when dragging the map around. The default value of 0.0 allows the user to drag outside the bounds at normal speed, higher values will slow down map dragging outside bounds, and 1.0 makes the bounds fully solid, preventing the user from dragging outside the bounds.
Amount of pixels to pan when pressing an arrow key.
Limits the rate at which a wheel can fire (in milliseconds). By default user can't zoom via wheel more often than once per 40 ms.
How many scroll pixels (as reported by L.DomEvent.getWheelDelta) mean a change of one full zoom level. Smaller values will make wheel-zooming faster (and vice versa).
The max number of pixels a user can shift his finger during touch for it to be considered a valid tap.

Map Features

Увімкнути Властивість Налаштування Вага
Add geocoder control element.
Location Priority
Continuously show client location marker on map.
Disable direct user interaction like zooming or panning
Draw shapes based on locations.
Prevents map pan and zoom on page scroll. See https://github.com/elmarquis/Leaflet.GestureHandling
Allow map rotation.
Add attribution the map.
Add button to toggle fullscreen.
Add button to center on client location. Hidden on non-https connection.
Add button to recenter map.
A simple scale control that shows the scale of the current center of screen in metric (m/km) and imperial (mi/ft) systems.
Add button to change layers.
Get your API Key here Thunderforest.
Get your Токен доступу here MapBox.
Get your APP ID and Code here HERE.
Get your API Key here GeoportailFrance.
Add buttons to zoom the map.
Cluster close markers together.
Marker Cluster default settings
Icon properties.
Open Popup on Marker click.
Clicking on a marker will try to scroll to the respective ID.
Set a URL anchor.
Restrict map to set bounds.
Set a custom map tile layer.
Select a map tile layer overlay.
Select a map tile layer.
Get your API Key here Thunderforest.
Get your Токен доступу here MapBox.
Get your APP ID and Code here HERE.
Get your API Key here GeoportailFrance.
Provide single-tile/untiled/nontiled layers, shared WMS sources, and GetFeatureInfo-powered identify.
See WMS output formats for supported values.