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Project title: Professional development of teachers: involvement and research of new practices
Project coordinator/s: Yevhen Plotnikov
Project goal: The project goal is twofold:
- Firstly, the project aims at changing the Soviet-era tradition of formal in-service teacher training conducted by the state designated institutions, introducing of the idea of informal teachers’ continuous professional development (CPD) through research, collaboration with colleagues on the local level and non-formal on-demand training provided as the result of “university-secondary school” partnership.
- Secondly, the project aims at researching the efficiency of the non-formal CPD activities and schemes suggested above.
Project duration: 01.12.2022 – 01.12.2023
Project results:
1) Programme and photos/videos of the informal CPD workshop.
2) Methodological guidelines for CPD for non-formal teachers.
3) Description of the research methodology with the content of the questionnaires.
4) Research report with analysis of its results and recommendations.
Категорія проекту