On June 21, 2019, the 3rd International UERA Conference «Implementing European Standards into Ukrainian Educational Research» was carried out. The event was part of Erasmus + Jean Monnet Project «European Indicators of Quality Educational Research for Empowering Ukrainian Educators» (№ 587032-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA) in cooperation with the project “Learning Together” (Finnish support of the Ukrainian school reform).
The Conference was organized by Ukrainian Educational Research Association in cooperation with National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine. It was supported by Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Second time the venue of the conference was Presidium of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, 52 A Sichovych Striltsiv Str.)
At the conference opening the participants were greeted by the President of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, academician of National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor Vasyl Kremen; National Erasmus+ Office Project Manager Petro Kraynik; President of Ukrainian Educational Research Association, Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor of Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University Svitlana Shchudlo; representative of the project “Learning Together” (Finnish support of the Ukrainian school reform), expert in language issues, PhD. in Philology Ihor Khvorostianyi; representative of American Councils for International Education, senior counsellor in higher education in USA Yelyzavety Shchepetylnykova.
The work of the conference was held in the form of a plenary session, a quiz, devoted to the 30th anniversary of Jean Monnet's work, the work of three discussion groups, the presentation of new scientific editions of UERA and publications of the conference participants, the discussion panels on the results of the empirical stage of the project "At educational crossroads: scientifically grounded dialogue with national minorities in the Chernivtsi and Zakarpattia regions", conferences (general meetings) of the members of the Ukrainian Educational Research Association, round table "Strengthening the image of a young scientist in terms of a modern information society" and the final meeting.
The conference was attended by 106 researchers and educational practitioners from 52 educational institutions of all regions of Ukraine: Kyiv, Lviv, Uman, Zaporizhzhia, Lutsk, Dnipro, Kharkiv, Mariupol, Drohobych, Ivano-Frankivsk, Nizhyn, Hlukhiv, Odesa, Ternopil, Cherkasy, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsi, Kherson, Chernihiv, Berdiansk, Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Starobilsk, Vinnnytsia, Poltava etc.
At the plenary session moderated by Prof. Oksana Zabolotna and Serhiy Kurbatov there were presentations by the key speakers: «Methodology of Comparative Educational Researches: monograph of prof. M. Kviyek :University in the Epoch of Changes” by Professor of University of Warsaw Taras Finikov; «The creation of a national measure of cognitive skills: opportunities for ukrainian researchers» by Prof of Duquesne University (USA), Fulbright scholarship holder at Sumy State University; «The implementation of the evidence-based prevention as a challenge for schools: Polish and Ukrainian experience» by Wioletta Junik PhD. in Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (Poland), coordinator of Ukrainian-Polish project in training specialists in the field of social prevention.
The discussion groups focused on three key issues: the development of educational research for developing education in Ukraine; role of educational research for reforming pre-service teacher training, role of academic integrity and European ethical standards in educational research. The discussions were moderated by Acad. Mykola Yevtukh, Prof. Volodymyr Bakhrushyn, Prof. Olena Lokshyna, Prof. Iryna Akulenko, Assoc. Prof. Yuriy Kovalchuk, Assoc. Prof. Mariya Nesterova.
Young scientists actively discussed during the round table "Strengthening the image of a young scientist in terms of a modern information society", moderated by Iryna Gubeladze and Anna Yatsyshyn.
All the participants received Conference Proceedings with materials from more than 60 participants, as well as other materials and certificates.
The participants' attention was attracted by the presentation of the monograph by Svitlana Shchudlo, Oksana Zabolotna and Tetiana Medina on the results of the empirical educational research "Sociocultural Discourse on the Language of Teaching National Minorities in Chernivtsi Region".
The Conference also was a site for having UERA Council meeting where the UERA president Svitlana Shchudlo presented a report of UERA activities and provided its members with financial information and prospects of the UERA development for 2019/20.
Photos: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Fzci8miryFRpjI8UcS42EuTOyJyamWSn
Key speakers presentations: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qPqE6xmiLR_deKGKlc_wUaIMz9jcgn74
The UERA monograph: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1qPqE6xmiLR_deKGKlc_wUaIMz9jcgn74
Information about the Project
Project: «European Quality of Educational Research for Empowering Educators in Ukraine» (№ 587032-EPP-1-2017-1-UA-EPPJMO-SUPPA).
Period of duration: 01-09-2017 – 31-08-2020.
Grant recipient: NGO «Ukrainian Educational Research Association».
The project objectives are:
- foster the dialogue between the academic world and policy-makers in the field of education, in particular to enhance governance of EU educational policies
- promote innovation in research through cross-sectorial and multi-disciplinary studies, as well as networking with other institutions
- promote excellence in research in EU educational issues
- equip young professionals with knowledge of European Educational Research Quality Indicators relevant for their academic and professional lives
- foster the engagement of young academics in teaching and research on European subjects
Project Coordinator: Prof. Svitlana Shchudlo, tel. +380967877866, email: ukrainian.era@gmail.com , svitlana.shchudlo@gmail.com
Website: www.uera.org.ua